Therefore, in the absence of a relationship with Jesus, we are required to pay for our own sin with our own death. Scripture makes it clear that sin requires one thing as payment, and that one thing is death. Rest assured that kids can handle these conversations when they’re initiated and engaged with patience and grace. If you’d like to have an intentional conversation with your kids before ashes are imposed onto their foreheads and they’re left wondering when their bodies will suddenly be turning into a pile of dust, here are some thoughts on how to communicate with children what Ash Wednesday’s all about. What in the world is going on with Ash Wednesday? How do we talk to our kids about it? For that matter, how do we talk to other adults about it? From dust I came, and to dust I’ll return? Great, now I feel awesome. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away-Hey, how about a popsicle?” “Well, sweetie, it’s the first day of Lent, when we get ashes put on our forehead.”